Thursday, July 24, 2008

second PALIHAN.

one word.
second PALIHAN.
the best PALIHAN EVER.

Though the day started pretty normal for a PALIHAN day, it turned out good after all.. And that's because of my favorite person. :) Well seniors, you know her. :D

The one thing I liked about this day is the "wet 'n wild" portion.
So some of you may wonder why wet n wild.. Well one thing you notice about
one person is her face. Uh-huh, that's the "wet". Wet because.. Uhh..
I'm worrying about the fact that a school authority might come across this
blog so I'll just give you a clue. CALAMARES. Now.. just figure it out. :P
And the "wild".. you know what happened in the IMC, I know you do..
I know you love the fact that you were disrespecting the authority.
Actually, I never imagined that our batch would do something like this.
I'm quite happy though, we showed "UNITY", we were all united against
the teachers.HAHAHA.

(in case an authority comes across this blog)
PS.I didn't post anything bad about anyone. I didn't post the name at least.

And anyway, I have the right to express my feeling. Thank you very much. :)

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