Friday, November 14, 2008

These Ties That Bind

*warning. This post contains spoilers.

Due to my boredom on a bright sunny
Saturday afternoon.. Ok. I'll cut the crap.
I just watched the latest Grey's Anatomy episode
and guess what? Denny Duquette (Morgan) from Season 2
came back from the grave! Yipee! I just hope
they wouldn't cut his part in this season that would
leave viewers a WTF moment. The chemistry between
Izzie and Denny is just awesome, second to the
McDreamyMer couple. I really hated Grey's for letting
Denny die. He's the most lovable character, kind, sweet and
unbelievably hot. He even passed the "Mc" meter. :))

Now, I think he's not a regular to Grey's, just a ghost. Literally. :))
There are also 2 new characters, though I didn't like any of them.
1. a weird "off" cardiothoracic surgeon, Hahn's replacement.
2. Meredith's old bestfriend, way way back from med school.
Well, I'll get used to it. :P

Anyway, I'm glad Hahn's out of the show. Phew. I really hate her.

It also looks like Cristina's having a taste of her own McHunt. XD
I can't wait for the next episode, looks like
I have to keep myself busy for a week. :P

I know you're not a Grey's Anatomy fan.
Thanks for reading my post anyway. :P

P.S. Check out the song "Trouble is A Friend"-Lenka.
(from the last scene of this Grey's episode)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's my emo day. :))

I keep on telling myself to STOP.
You know, I shouldn't be worrying about you now.
Why would I anyway? You're my past and that's it,
no commitment and I know you belong to whatever
you love doing. Don't get me wrong, I don't like you
anymore.. I think. Don't mind me. I'm just confused,
that's all. I'll forget about you soon. Anyway, I know
I'm just a pitiful high school student to you. I know you
have all those college girls hovering over you. It's ok.
I'm used to it and I'm just one of those girls dying just
to talk to you. You won't notice me, I know that.
In fact, I have this annoying voice in my head telling
me to stop this nonsense because we belong to
different worlds. That's it, just an unlikely encounter.

I feel so miserable bottling it all up inside of me. This is so
unhealthy, that's why I've decided to blog this and put it to an end.

Bye bye my Edward. For a moment, I thought you were the one.

Monday, November 10, 2008

heels over head

Weird day. Fuck. The giving of cards was postponed.
How could they do that? I'm like so excited. NOT. HAHA.
Anyway, I'll keep my hopes up and wait until tomorrow. :P

I just found out that I'm a racist. :/

*dinner time*
*the whole family was watching CNN*

reporter: This is the mother of our future president, Mr. Barack Obama..
*picture flashes*

raz: omg. puti yung nanay ni obama?
kuya: oo.
raz: saklap naman nagmana siya sa tatay nya.
kuya: ang racist mo.

Sorry Obama. I know you're the next most powerful person in the world. Don't kill me. :(

"And when you hit the coast, I hope you'll think of me. And how I'm stuck here with the ghost of how we used to be.. " <3

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"umalis-alis ka sa trono ko dahil nagbalik na ang tunay na reyna"
"you social climbing bitch! "
"you are a desperate housewife from hell!"


I'm now officially a loser.
I'll get a life. soon. XD

Monday, November 3, 2008

I therefore conclude life is dull without Oreo. Seriously. :)
Try living without it, you won't succeed.
*currently addicted to oreo*

Saturday, November 1, 2008

you want a piece of me? :))

Phew. November 2. Bukas may pasok na.
WTF. Do you even call this a vacation? :/
1 friggin' week is not enough for vacation.
Including all those shitwork pinoi, physics, rel,
OMG. I'm so gonna die. :/

Too depressed to blog.
my computer doesn't open.
I'm using my parent's pc.
I'm not yet finished with all those shitwork.

gotta bounce.