Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's my emo day. :))

I keep on telling myself to STOP.
You know, I shouldn't be worrying about you now.
Why would I anyway? You're my past and that's it,
no commitment and I know you belong to whatever
you love doing. Don't get me wrong, I don't like you
anymore.. I think. Don't mind me. I'm just confused,
that's all. I'll forget about you soon. Anyway, I know
I'm just a pitiful high school student to you. I know you
have all those college girls hovering over you. It's ok.
I'm used to it and I'm just one of those girls dying just
to talk to you. You won't notice me, I know that.
In fact, I have this annoying voice in my head telling
me to stop this nonsense because we belong to
different worlds. That's it, just an unlikely encounter.

I feel so miserable bottling it all up inside of me. This is so
unhealthy, that's why I've decided to blog this and put it to an end.

Bye bye my Edward. For a moment, I thought you were the one.

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