Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sorry? =)

PFF. I missed blogging :D

Hey you! I know that you're still angry, heck. obviously.
It's just that I miss my friend. I miss my guy buddy who
usually stays up at night with me just so I could finish my
delayed requirements. I also miss the guy who keeps on
pestering me every time I'm busy. I miss the guy who
taught me to be who I am, to act like a boy and fight for
myself. :)) Kidding. But seriously, I do miss you. I know that
it was my fault and I just didn't think about how you guys would feel.
I acted as if he's more important than my bestfriends... which is wrong.
I know, and I just want to apologize to you. I would have done it yesterday
but it seems that you didn't want to talk to me, which is understandable I guess.

I just can't let this friendship go to waste.
I miss my bestfriend and I hope you can forgive me already.
Please? I have a lot of stories to tell you. :)

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