Thursday, July 3, 2008

hey! My sixteenth birthday!

July 3, 2008. 11:57PM My sixteenth birthday. :D
OK. STOP IT. Why don't I sound so happy?
Actually.. I am.. very happy. Haha. It's just that I miss
my 1st year life, the stalking days and "stupid random moments"
when I was just carefree. Now I'm sixteen, and I grow older
year by year. Isn't it scary? Sooner or later you'll never
know you're having your debut. hahaha.
So, I'm blogging for some reasons..
1. SO after 4-5 years I would know how stupid I am when I was in high school.
2. I have something to throw all my hard feelings at.
3. I would remember things that I should remember.

You know.. In fact, I'm just being stupid. No one would read this, yeah I know.
Who would read crap about the adventures of a senior student suffering
from insomnia and requirements. That I'm sure. And the rantings about fucking teachers
who make my life a living hell.

Maybe I should stop now. Yeah I should, know why? because I haven't done my homework,
least haven't opened my bag. Ok I'm stopping now. After closing this page, I would open my bag,
open my planner and check for the homework. Yup. Good idea.

Goodnight stupid Blog.

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