Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Laugh 'til you cry. :D

9:43 PM (July 8, 08)
"Laugh 'til you cry because you'll never know when the time comes that you can't even open your mouth."

~ok. That was a fairly stupid quote, made me think for 1 minute.

Here goes.. the story behind the quote.
P.E. class was hell, in the sense of extreme happiness. It's all because of my classmate, ok, let's call her by the name Maria. We were doing stupid dance positions in the class, and everyone was mocking the positions that we were laughing nonstop. Then here goes Maria, as graceful as she is, she did this really really funny position while butt out. It was hella funny, made us all laugh and cry at the same time. The thing is, I was the one behind her, so I get the full impact of her butt. HAHAHA. You get the image. I must stop. I don't wanna remember that moment, makes me laugh until now. hahaha. :))

Just now, I've realized that senior life is really a living hell. I'm not kidding. It's just a month since the first day, and yet I'm feeling the pressure. OK, I KNOW YOU DON"T BELIEVE ME, because I still have time to write in my stupid blog, but sadly it's true. I'm just doing this so that I can do something to rest for a while. Break from schoolwork.

Uhh. yeah. I've decided to make this blog anonymous, so that whatever I write here won't affect me. harhar.

~signing out. :)

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