Friday, July 11, 2008

spoiler "The Fucking Warlords"

argh. My life sucks. No. Rephrase that. My fourth year life sucks.
Now that's better. :)

After school my family literally dragged me to trinoma because
my dad says he's stressed out and needs to relax. So since
I'm a very loving and understanding daughter, I agreed to come
along with them.

We watched "The Warlords" starring Jet Li. Though it's ok, I give it a 2.5/5 rating. See, the thing is I didn't understand the middle part of the plot. Maybe it's my fault for being stupid or it's the director's fault for adding useless scenes. Again, maybe it's because of my stupid memory, I can't remember any character's name like.. Zhang Liang, Pang something, Er Hu? WTF. I laughed so hard at one part though, 'coz there's this guy (see. I don't remember his name) who was focused 3 consecutive times, each focus closing up on the face. The funny thing is he says only 1 line for these 3 scenes, which is "He's right". Ok. It may not be funny for you, but still, I find it stupid. :P
What I hated most was the ending.
The 3 main characters killed each other for the sake of brotherhood. I mean. What the hell, what did they fight for? Their death? Jeez. Sorry. I don't appreciate history that much.

And another thing. It's not a hollywood material. Boo for the effects!

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